Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment

What is Laser Supported Periodontal Treatment?

- Laser supported periodontal treatment is a minimally invasive alternative to traditional periodontal surgery.

- It utilises advanced dental laser technology to efficiently treat various gum diseases without the need for incisions or sutures.

- The laser energy helps in precisely targeting and removing bacteria and infected gum tissues while promoting faster healing.

Benefits of Laser Supported Periodontal Treatment:

- Reduced discomfort and pain: The laser targets only the affected areas, minimising damage to healthy tissues and resulting in less post-treatment discomfort.

- Faster recovery time: Since no incisions or stitches are involved, the healing time is significantly shorter compared to traditional surgery.

- Improved treatment outcomes: The laser effectively eliminates bacteria, reduces inflammation, and stimulates tissue regeneration, leading to better long-term results.

- Minimally invasive: Patients experience less bleeding and swelling during and after the treatment due to the gentle nature of the laser.

- Enhances patient comfort: The procedure is generally more comfortable for patients as it eliminates the use of scalpels and drills.

Our Laser Supported Periodontal Treatment Services:

- State-of-the-art technology: We utilise cutting-edge dental lasers that are specifically designed for periodontal procedures, allowing for precise and effective treatment.

- Experienced and skilled professionals: Our team consists of highly trained  laser periodontal hygienist who have extensive experience in performing laser supported periodontal treatments.

- Customised treatment plans: We take the time to evaluate each patient's specific condition and tailor treatment plans accordingly, ensuring the best possible outcome.

Deep Pocket Therapy (DPT)

Using the laser is a minimally invasive, FDA-cleared, therapy for moderate to advanced gum disease that promotes cementum-mediated periodontal ligament new-attachment to the root surface in the absence of long junctional epithelium. The YSGG laser is especially effective for minimally invasive removal of both subgingival inflamed tissue and calculus deposits, to prepare the pocket and surface of the tooth for healing and new attachment.

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