Metal Free – A Holistic Approach

At ndu clinic, we are firm believers in the principles of biological dentistry, where the health and harmony of the mouth are seen as integral components of overall well-being. Just as the body strives for balance and purity, we advocate for a metal-free environment within the oral cavity. Our commitment to biological dentistry extends to the belief that the mouth, as a vital gateway to health, should be free from the presence of metals.

The Essence of Biological Dentistry:

Biological dentistry recognises the interconnectedness of oral health and systemic well-being. It underscores the significance of dental interventions that not only address immediate concerns but also resonate with the body's natural inclinations. At ndu clinic this ethos is embodied in our commitment to a metal-free approach within the oral cavity.

The Metal-Free Mandate:

Traditional dental practices often involve the use of metals, most notably in amalgam fillings. However, concerns surrounding the potential health implications of these metals have prompted a shift towards alternative, biocompatible materials. Our unwavering belief in the body's pursuit of balance and purity propels us to advocate for a metal-free environment in the mouth.

Aligning with the Body's Wisdom:

Just as the body strives for equilibrium, our approach to dentistry echoes this quest for balance. We understand that introducing foreign substances, particularly metals, can disrupt the delicate harmony within the body. By embracing metal-free alternatives, we align our practices with the body's innate wisdom, fostering an environment that promotes both oral and systemic health.